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April 08, 2007


jen walters

this is beautiful. are you ok with others using this?


sure - tat's the intent. parts are from a jonny baker liturgy used at grace a number of years ago, but jonny's stuff is placed on his blog for the same reason - to be used. Please feel free, use, adapt, whatever you wish.

Mary Sayer

This is beautiful, thanks so much for sharing it. It will be perfect for the little service we hold at the Residential Care home that a small team of us visit.
Every blessing to you and shalom.

David Keller

thank you for these marvelously evocative images! I too am planning on using this liturgy, in a traditional UCC church. Please let me know how I may rightly attribute it.


from "O Lord our God, sustainer of the universe" to "I make all things new" was taken from a liturgy written by Jonny Baker and used both at Grace [London, UK] and at the Greenbelt Festival in UK about a decade ago. Jonny is quite relaxed about attribution but you could note it either to him or to Grace [Ealing], London UK. I suspect it might be available through Proost in UK. As for the rest of it - i guess it came through my hands/head but i've never been able to get my head around attribution, seems to me the Spirit could have used any hands/head that were available, I just happened to be handy - so I kind of prefer no attribution.

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