Here's a bit info from the recent census - a snapshot of Winnipeg's increasing diversity. [Click on the chart above for a bigger image]. We are a highly diverse lot, even outside the city centre. Nearly 1/4 of the population of Fort Garry are members of visible minorities. Over 1/4 in Seven Oaks. In Inkster, over half the population are either aboriginal or members of a visible minority.
The United Church is the second largest religious body in the city. Have a look at your neighbourhood on the table, and think about your United Church. Does it reflect your community? Note how the percentage who identify as UC and the percentage of 3rd generation Canadians often seem to correlate - what does this suggest? What would it be like to dream of a church community with greater diversity, one that truly reflects the character of our city?
RiverRunning is an event intended to provide you with a vision of the possibilities, energy for the creative process and tools to help you manage the changes.
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